What Is A Short Sale? A Short Sale is a settlement with a bank to take less than what they’re owed to stop foreclosure and sell the property. Learn more.
We produced this video over 3 years ago and based upon what is going on in the market, we thought it might be a good idea to re-publish it.. Yep, before most Realtors even knew what a short sale was, we were already completing them for our clients. We also began teaching Realtors across the country how to actually execute short sales. So we feel we know a bit about them and can help you.
While the video simply explains What a Short Sale Is…the process is much more detailed. We’ll explain it to you so the you will have no problem understanding the Short Sale Process
[ad#postad]Do you know how to do a Short Sale? Do you even know what a Short Sale is? Are you in foreclosure and need some advice about how a Short Sale may help you out of a bad situation? Well you are not alone.
I get dozens of emails and calls every week from homeowners who would just like the straight scoop on just what is a short sale. So I decided to record a brief video to help you understand the Short Sale Process. I hope that you find it useful and informative.
There are over a million real estate agents walking the planet and if you ask 10 of them what is a short sale and how do you successfully execute one you’d probably get 10 different answers. Then if you ask another question, that being, how many of them have actually successfully completed one you’d be very surprised.
Most real estate agents only found out about Short Sales in the last 18 months after they became the “in” thing in real estate. Then many agents found out that if they weren’t proficient that they actually can end up in trouble for their blunders and many simply do not have any desire to work in the Short Sale arena.
I’ve been doing Short Sales for a long time. Even BEFORE they became cool. In that time I have learned quite a bit and one of the biggest things that I learned was to surround myself with a good, competent and experienced team of professionals who work together to effect a successful experience for my clients.
Short Sales aren’t tough at all…if you know what you’re doing. We have a very specific system that we have implemented and have been using with great success.
Please take a moment and review the video above and find out for yourself how we approach the Short Sale Process.
If you are in foreclosure or know someone in foreclosure and you would like me to review your situation, I would be happy to take a look at your case and let you know if I feel that you qualify for a Short Sale. I specialize in foreclosures and Short Sales and I am very picky as to who I represent in a Short Sale case. I want to work with people who are committed to the Short Sale Process.
If you think that you are willing to do what it takes to participate in a successful Short Sale, please do not hesitate to fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Or you can call me at 800-343-5701 as well.
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